Friday, April 25, 2008

The Bald Man

Yesterday on the train I saw a young man studying. Roughly, he looked to be in his mid-late twenties, had a gray hoodless sweatshirt, and was bald. I found myself oddly attracted.

He had a handsome face…more on the boyish side, (which doesn’t usually pique my interest) but still very masculine all at the same time. I’m pretty sure I was reading during my entire journey, but truth be told, I was struggling to keep my eyes off his beautiful bald head. My neck just might have snapped if a few glances hadn’t been stolen. The entire time he was chatting with some curly brown haired acquaintance he ran into coincidentally. Apparently they had attended school together in the past. I wonder if he was as good looking then too. (sans, bald head.)

The Bald Man wasn’t extraordinarily handsome,…he was one of those guys you would pass by on the street with maybe only a blip of interest and then proceed on your merry way. No one-eighty degree head turn necessary. (Not that I would do that or anything). The baldness up top was what upped his intrigue points. Noticeably, he could have had a full mane, (the faint shadow of brown on his scalp was a dead giveaway) but why sport locks like every other guy? This guy was bold.

Given, he has a nice, completely smooth, shiny head. Not a bump for miles. Even the most minor of imperfections can ruin a beautiful bald head, rendering it unsexy.

Here is the advice I can offer you men who dare to put hair to razor:

1. Must have a strong face structure. This is crucial, as a fat or

overly round face plus bald head will come off resembling a modern –day Buddha.)

2. Must have a decent bodily build. SKINNY MEN…do NOT attempt this. No hair on a man who is lacking the body to complement it… is not a flattering spectacle. If you are skinny, the only way to successfully pull this off is to have number 3.

3. Good sense of style. It’s true, the svelte can pull this off, but only with an impeccable sense of taste in clothing can this be accomplished. If you do have a nice build, you can actually get away with a bald head without the fashion sense as you will have the body to make up for it. But…paired together will make for a truly deadly sexy combo. Yum.

Baldness is a very particular aesthetic. Not everyone can pull this off. (BTW, when I say bald, I mean completely bald…not even a centimeters-worth of peach fuzz is permitted.) When a man decides to be bald, he is in a way castrating himself because normally, having hair is viewed as an asset. (Just think of all those poor souls sporting those vicious comb-overs in a last attempt to have a hair.) So if you are going to take away that asset, you hope to enhance your other positive traits as much as possible to restore balance back to the ying-yang effect of your self-image. Take something away on the one end, add some more to the other end. Voila. The scale is back to zero. This goes for both men and women alike. Looking good is a balance of all elements…and if you’re gonna shave it, then it’s about time you invest in that gym membership you’ve been wanting…or buy a simply smashing party outfit.

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